We can Help you today!

  • Your insurance company protects their own interests and bottom line. The adjuster they send for the damage inspection represents the insurance company, we meet their inspector to protect you.

  • The burden of proving any roof damage is always on you and can be very frustrating. We will help you get through this process with a greater return and faster results!

  • The insurance company has their own adjusters, engineers, contractors and lawyers that represent their interests, SHOULDN’T YOU??!

  • Our public adjusters will take care of your roof damage concerns from start to finish.

  • Decisions you make can affect your settlement when not documented properly or done according to your policy requirements.

  • APEX represents and protects you in the claim process. We have extensive knowledge on how to get proper reimbursement for your roof leak damages.

  • Our team ensures your final settlement from your insurance company is what you are legally entitled to.

  • It takes a partner like APEX Public Adjusting public adjusters to take the edge off and help ensure you get full recovery and damage reimbursement in the shortest possible time.



Roof leak damages

APEX expert public adjusters represent and protect you!